Duck Club Journal - v3
Welcome to volume 3 of the duck club by dukszn. Waterfowl season is upon us as we dive into what makes the culture so special.
Fowler Feature -The Duck Republic
The boys from Massachusetts have a lot of fun chasing ducks in the marshes. TDR is a passion project fueled by the obsession of chasing ducks. Give them a follow.
Media Feature
Closer - Slade NW
A book
More than a Callings- The Fly By
Explore the intertwining of personal faith and waterfowling in this book, where the narratives of devoted waterfowlers blend with captivating photography to offer a unique visual journey. Whether gracing your table or guiding daily reflections, it unveils how waterfowling transcends a mere passion, illustrated through practical examples.
A Story
Opening day of the second split is a moment every duck hunter eagerly anticipates, and this year, it took on a special significance as I shared the experience with my 6-year-old son. Armed with excitement and his cutdown call, he added his own flair to the morning.
As the first light broke, my son hit the call with a gusto that only a 6-year-old can muster. Ducks responded almost immediately, swooping in to investigate the commotion. While it might not have been his calling that the ducks were after, I couldn't resist giving him credit, telling him it was his "sweet talk" that lured them in.
The truth was, the ducks were drawn to the hole naturally, but seeing the joy on his face as he believed he played a role in their descent made the moment even more precious. It became a lesson not just in hunting but in fostering a love for nature and the outdoors.
With the ducks circling overhead, my son's eyes widened in awe. The shot rang out, and the excitement that followed was nothing short of pure joy. We had bagged one, and the positive vibes echoed in the stillness of the morning.
More than the harvest, it was the shared experience, the laughter, and the bond forged between father and son that made this day truly memorable. Duck hunting is not just about the pursuit of waterfowl; it's about passing down traditions, instilling a respect for nature, and creating memories that last a lifetime.
As we packed up our gear and headed home, my son couldn't stop talking about his calling prowess and the victorious shot. In his eyes, this was more than a successful hunt; it was a rite of passage, a moment that marked his entry into the world of duck hunting.
Seasons may come and go, but the memories made in those early hours linger. I realized that there's something uniquely beautiful about the enthusiasm of a young, aspiring duck hunter. As we look forward to future seasons, I am reminded that the true harvest is not just the ducks we bring home but the joy, connection, and shared love for the outdoors that we cultivate with each adventure.
Let us know if you have any suggestions!